About Me

I am an attorney. Sort of. I graduated from the University of Minnesota Law School in May and became a licensed attorney in October and hope to find full-time work at some point. In the mean time, I’m happily married to my wife Kay of two years and am a proud owner of a three-year old Sheltie named Scooter.

When I was a kid, I dreamed of becoming an author. I now hold no such ambitions, but one never knows. Mostly I want to keep working on my writing skills and share some of my ridiculous opinions on this blog. Most of these posts are about sports, but I also have a “Literature of Lost” project going at the top there. If you enjoyed the show Lost, check it out.

The highlight of my blogging career so far was this post from ESPN.com that linked to an article I wrote over NFL experts’ preseason predictions. It certainly made my day…actually about three days, then my traffic died down to normal.

2 Responses to About Me

  1. Thomas Cutts says:

    Congrats on getting this started! I am very excited to follow (or attempt to follow) your musings.

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